- GREAT NEWS! We have reached the minimum number of subscribers needed to continue with SEAL – covering the highest risk hours each week. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THE 2024-2025 CAMPAIGN. We still need more neighbors to join in order to expand the number of hours covered. If you have been waiting, now is the time. Details for how to sign up and billing options are below.
Why do we need private security? Because HPD can’t patrol enough or respond fast enough.
Please sign up by selecting a payment option below. Once you have subscribed, please email your contact information (name, address, phone number) to safety.emca@gmail.com.
Subscribe here via Billsby
Billsby payments are handled by Stripe credit, debit and ACH gateway.
We are now offering the following plans and offering EMCA members a discount as EMCA manages the contract and carries the insurance needed for this program:
Yearly $450 for EMCA members
Quarterly $112.50 for EMCA members
Monthly $37.50 for EMCA members
** Non-members are required to pay an additional $25 yearly fee to cover administrative costs paid for by EMCA.
To change payment plans, click on this link https://www.eastmontrose.org/security
If you would like to be a member of EMCA you can join here https://www.eastmontrose.org/about-us/membership/
Don’t like electronic payment? You can drop a check payable to EMCA in the locked mailbox at 503 Welch Street.
Subscribers receive the following benefits:
- Dedicated security phone number for East Montrose
- Yard Sign indicating support for the program
- Vacation Watch
- Welfare Checks
- Safety escorts when on duty
We believe retaining SEAL provides our neighborhood with protection during critical time periods (as determined by the Safety Committee using Crime Reports). We currently schedule SEAL for ~24 hours weekly with increased coverage during holidays and events. We plan to add more hours as we gain additional subscriptions.
The Security Committee and the EMCA Board (all volunteers) need your help to:
- Distribute flyers
- Canvass the neighborhood for new subscribers
- Contact previous subscribers via phone, text and emails
We have an additional option which is to donate any amount in multiples of $50 for our pilot program which consists of installing a Flock Safety camera(s) in our neighborhood to help police fight crime and to keep our neighborhood safe. Cameras work 24/7, they have license plate recognition and will alert police if a wanted vehicle is in our area. The artificial intelligence creates a fingerprint for each vehicle to help identify characteristics on each vehicle and helps law enforcement in any investigation related to our neighborhood. More information can be found here https://www.flocksafety.com/
Please talk to your neighbors about subscribing. Encourage them to email us at safety.emca@gmail.com or raise questions at civic meetings. Also join the Security Committee or any committee which suits your desired preference. This is an uphill battle and the more people we have lending a hand, the sooner we will reach our goal.